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5.0 mi. - Finally!

Five miles on the schedule today, wasn’t sure how that would go.

It was the most achy run in a while, I attribute that to a visit to the chiropractor yesterday. The aches never really went away, then after cooling down I stood around watching Andrew’s bowling before driving home – I tightened-up pretty good getting out of the car and spent some time stretching to regain my mobility.

As for the run, I’m thrilled with the distance. Since getting serious about running again I’ve been working to be “5-mile ready” for a few months now, but something has always gotten in the way before reaching the five miles. Today was the longest run for me in quite a while. When you’re five-mile ready, you have a good level of fitness built-up and you can train for just about any distance from there.

Overall the pace was good, 10:33 per mile. I went out a tad quick, but didn’t have to pay for it on this run as the few inclines I did come across were easily managed – a lot of down hill on this run too. Charlottetown is a mostly flat course so a long-hilly run is not something I need, or want to do in my current condition.
